baldvinsdóttir consulting
Nødebovej 55B, 2. -4
3480 Fredensborg
VAT-no.: DK 36 36 30 96
tel +45 4096 3243
LinkedIn solveig-einarsson

Solveig Einarsson.
Chemical engineer, HD(O).
International and cross-organisational experience, as independant consulting engineer, project engineer, project manager and facilitator.
The truth is in the details
Project management and facilitation
Process-oriented management systems
Proactive work environment and machine safety
Principled documentation and reliable methods
baldvinsdóttirs Almindelige salgs- og leveringsbetingelser for ydelser til erhvervskunder
baldvinsdóttirs Privatlivspolitik
note: all photographs and illustrations on this webpage are respectively shot and created by solveig einarsson