Finally came the day when the new management standard ‘DS 5001:2022 Diversity and equality management systems – Requirements and guidelines’ was released and introduced at a webinar held by Dansk Standard.
The English version of DS 5001 is expected to be published in late 2022.
Read more on the Danish Standards website:
Diversity and equality management systems – Requirements and guidelines
Webinar om DS 5001 Ledelsessystem for ligestilling og diversitet
Denmark ranked 32nd in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report in 2022. In comparison, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden are number 1, 2, 3 and 5 respectively. – And that is precisely why it was quite appropriate when one of the authors of the standard quoted Professor Drude Dahlerup in a footnote: ‘Inequality is still in the walls’.
The picture is a snapshot from the webinar, on October 3, 2022.
solveig einarsson/october 2022